Can I flip it up while healing?
Yes! That’s one of the best things about this piercing- it can be flipped up while healing. If you need to we suggest starting with either a circular barbell or a retainer. Remember to always wash your hands and piercing well before and after flipping it up, and don’t sleep with it flipped (unless you are wearing a retainer).
When can I wear fancy jewelry?
That all depends! There are some styles and designs of rings that are not ideal for healing (short wearable or such ornate settings that they can collect debris or bacteria) but there are also many that can still be used right away. We stock a rotating selection of beautiful pieces that are safe for initial piercings so come check it out.
I want my piercing to sit close to my nose, can it be pierced like that?
Not only can it, it SHOULD be. As we mentioned above, these are complicated piercings to do. One of the most common ways we see them done improperly is placed too low or too close to the face. A proper septum piercing should be high in nose and tight to the front of the nostrils. We take extra care in measuring clients for the best fitting piece of jewelry and marking to ensure the placement is perfect and allows the most jewelry choices.
What about stretching / stacking?
Septum stretching has also become more popular over the years. The septum can be slightly uncomfortable to stretch but not very painful. Often it makes your eyes water or feel like you need to sneeze. Stretching can be done with increasingly larger circular barbells, retainers, or pinchers. You can also stretch by stacking, which is adding multiple rings to the same piercing. Stacking is a beautiful and unique look for a septum piercing and we stock a large range of rings that look great for a stack. We can also start you off with a larger initial piercing to get you stacked sooner. We pierce septums as large as a 10-8g initial if the anatomy allows. Feel free to call or stop by the store, we’re always excited to talk about stacked piercings!
Why does my piercing smell?
All piercings (and all skin in general) sheds dead skin cells and oils. With a piercing they can collect on or around the jewelry, and do have an odor. Usually its undetectable however since this piercing is directly inside your nose, well! Regular cleaning as part of your daily routine once healed with a mild soap and water should keep the smell away.