Cleaning Solutions

For Oral Piercings:
What to Avoid?
Cleaning Instructions
- Wash your hands thoroughly prior to cleaning or touching on or near your piercing.
- Gently clean the area surrounding your piercing using a mild soap at least once a day. Lather a pearl-sized drop of soap in your hands and use the suds to clean around the skin. If your lifestyle involves working out, going to the beach, working with animals, or other generally ‘dirty’ environments, then its recommended to wash more thoroughly around your piercing after participating in said activities. (Your regular face and body wash can be used everywhere else as per usual.) Be sure to rinse thoroughly to remove all traces of soap from around the piercing. Do not let any soap or body wash get into or on your piercings. Do not twist, spin or rotate your jewelry for any reason.
- After cleaning, dry your piercing with a disposable paper product such as non-woven gauze, paper towels. Products like cotton balls, swabs, tissues and toilet paper can leave behind an unwanted lint residue therefore they’re not ideal for drying. Pat gently to avoid trauma. Avoid using bath/hand towels because reusable cloths can harbor bacteria and cause harm to your healing piercing.
- Use Saline Wound Wash 3-5 times daily to clean any crust or debris that may form on or around your piercing. If you’re using H2Ocean its recommended for use only 2-3 times daily.
For Oral Piercings
- Maintain good oral hygiene! Its important to brush after meals as recommended (2-4 times daily). After getting a new oral piercing, you should replace your old toothbrush with a new one that is clean and free of any of your old bacteria. Don’t forget to brush your jewelry as well to prevent any plaque build up.
- Rinse with an alcohol free mouthwash after any meals or after biotenesmoking. Depending on how often you eat or smoke, its possible to end up over-rinsing which can irritate the cheeks and gums. We’ve made a guide that goes over rinsing frequently and when to start watering down your mouthwash.

Tips for Oral Piercings
What to Expect:
What Not to Do:

Tips and Tricks For Navel:
For Ear Lobe/Ear Cartilage and Facial:

Contact your piercer if your jewelry must be removed (ex: for a medical procedure). There are non-metallic jewelry alternatives and if you’re wearing implant grade titanium, that material is MRI safe.
Be sure to regularly check threaded ends on your jewelry for tightness. (Righty tighty, Lefty loosey). If you feel as if a piece is loose or you’re unable to tighten something yourself, visit your local piercer for assistance.
Should you decide you no longer want the piercing, seek professional help in the removal of the jewelry and continue cleaning the piercing until the holes are closed. In most cases a small indention will remain.