When can I resume sex with this piercing?
We generally say listen to your body, and if something is painful don’t do it. For this piercing, often times it takes a few weeks for all residual soreness or swelling to go away and for intercourse. However, due to the long barbell (often 1 ½) sex can sometimes be awkward until you have a downsize. We liken it to a dog with a stick trying to fit through a doggie door……many clients choose to wait for their downsize, in 1-2 months.
It stings when I urinate, is that normal?
Yes, urination for the first week or two can feel like a stinging or burning sensation. There are a few things you can do to make this more comfortable. First, stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water. This will keep your urine from being too acidic and stinging. The most effective method of reducing this discomfort is to urinate with the penis submerged in water. Many clients use a shallow bowl or ziplock container filled with warm water to urinate in. Being submerged in water prevents the urine from getting into the piercing and staying there where it can sting.