The conch piercing is done through the interior bowl of the ear, next to the opening of the ear canal. It’s an area naturally framed by the rest of the ear making it an ideal place to showcase larger ends or trios of piercings. The conch is also naturally protected by the shape of the ear making it less likely to be bumped or snagged. We start conch piercings with an 18g push pin post or a 14g threaded post. While rings are a popular look in a conch it is definitely better to wait until you are healed. Rings have high movement and can torque and twist when slept on, causing irritation. The conch is an ideal placement for unique jewelry that wouldn’t fit well in many other areas. It allows for larger ends to be used, or for groups and pairs of piercings to be done. Both of our piercers have a soft spot for these piercings, and have lots of fun helping design unique jewelry layouts and plans. Like most hard cartilage the conch is challenging to stretch. If your goal is a larger conch piercing for wearing things like stone plugs or stacked rings, consider coming in and consulting about a larger initial piercing. We have glass plugs and eyelets available for this choice.

Can I wear headphones with a healing conch?
Over the ear headphones which don’t put pressure on your piercing are fine. However earbuds can cause irritation with a healing piercing so we do not suggest wearing them. Once healed they are fine but while healing we suggest wearing them in only one ear, or investing in over ear headphones.