Rook Piercings are done through the shelf of tissue that runs behind the forward helix and down the outer rim of the ear. Rook piercings are traditionally started with a curved barbell that is 16 or 14g. Once healed they can be switched to a well fitting hoop for a different look. These piercings became popular in the 90’s thanks to piercer Erik Dakota. While these piercings are very attractive they can also be a bit of a pain to heal. Between longer healing times and jewelry variety the Faux Rook has become very popular recently. A Faux Rook goes straight through the tissue right above the ridge of the rook. It’s done with a straight barbell allowing more choices and more ornate ends to be worn, and most of our clients find it to be easier to heal.

So which is better? A Faux Rook or a Traditional Rook?

Neither is better, they just offer different things. A traditional rook has the top and bottom of the curved barbell on which ornate or cute pieces can be worn initially. Once healed a jcurve can be worn for an even more unique look or a ring. However, they can be a bit harder to heal, and the fact that they use a curve can limit your choices on pieces for the top. A Faux rook can wear jewelry as large or ornate as the anatomy allows for and is often a bit easier to heal. However it does not give you the look of a top and bottom bead, and you can not wear a ring in it.


Can I wear ear buds with a healing rook?

Yes! The rook won’t get in the way of any traditional in ear headphones.

Can I start with a hoop?

We don’t suggest starting with a hoop in this piercing, as it would need to be quite over-sized to allow for swelling, and the movement of the hoop could cause issues while healing.